Internet Advancement Roster not showing Adults who are also Parents

Internet Advancement Roster is not showing adult leaders who are also parents of a Scout in the Troop.

  1. Roster in Scoutbook shows all adult leaders (55).
  2. Roster in shows the same adult leaders (55).
  3. Roster in Internet Advancement shows only 32 Adults Leaders (Selected by the Show:Filtered option). So it appears to be missing the 23 adult leaders who are also parents of Scouts in the Troop.

Am I missing something here?
Is this by design of the Internet Advancement Roster or not a concern?

@JaphetWoolston looking at this

This is relatively new behavior.

I started noticing the same thing for some units about a day ago. It might have been going on longer, since this isn’t a thing that I check very frequently. Oddly, it doesn’t seem to happen to all units that I can see.

In my case, the adults who are missing appear as expected in my.scouting as well as legacy ScoutBook. All of the individuals that I have checked show membership expiration dates of 8/31/24 or later in my.scouting, so I don’t think this is a registration issue.

they were messing with parent /leader recently - you can see where the tags are now in the calendar

What? I’m aware that there’s a lot of back-end database changes going on right now as part of the switch to the new member registration system, but I have no idea what calendar you’re referring to or why a calendar would affect a unit roster.

This should be fixed now

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