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For some reason, the Internet Advancement lists me as parent of a scout as well as committee member. My information in these two roles could not be synced. Could I just keep one role as parent of a scout in Internet Advancement? Thanks!
Also, when generating the activity report (e.g., camping nights), any reason that only adult leaders are included and the registered parents (non-adult leaders) are not displayed? Thank you!
@ZhengrongLi - the independent roles carry access rights within advancements.scouting.org. A parent is restricted in what they can do. A registered leader depending upon the role can action more items.
On your report issue, parents unless they have filled out an adult application, specified a position, been approved by the Charter Org and processed by council are not registered and as such do not appear on reports.
@Stephen_Hornak In our unit, parents are all registered as Committee members or ASM/SM. But their names do not appear on reports. Quite a few committee members/parents have such issues. How could we fix this? Thank you!
I would suggest having one of the Unit Key 3 (SM/CC/COR) or someone who is a Key 3 Delegate actually run the adult roster at my.scouting to make sure that everyone they think is registered is on the official roster. As noted before, the roster at my.scouting is the official one, and (generally) reflects who the council thinks is registered and in which roles. If an adult is not on that list, but the unit thinks they should be or were registered, they need to reach out to the council to get that resolved.
ETA: It can also provide the BSA ID number under which the individual is registered, which might not match the BSA ID that they have as a parent (e.g. if some part of the PII on their adult application didn’t match what was on the parent portion of the youth application and so a separate account was created).
ETA2: I realized that this remark seems to contradict what you were saying about all of the parents being registered.
How many “types” of adults are there?
Adults who are parents/guardians, but not registered scouters (aka leaders)
Adults who are parents/guardians AND registered scouters (aka leaders)
Adults who are NOT parents/guardians but are registered scouters (aka leaders)
That is important to differentiate between the role being “used” because, as Stephen noted, the separate roles have separate access rights, which may be more permissive for some purposes than for others. It also permits scouters who are also parents to see what the “parent” view of the system is (which aids in helping out parents who have questions/problems).
For Zhengrong Li, is it possible to disable the role of committee member? It seems I was assigned as committee member with certain rights for data entry and report generation. How could I remove the role of committee member? Will this be done by one of Key 3? Thanks!
@CharleyHamilton After further review of the report, I think there are two issues here.
** Issue 1:**
One person (myself) has two roles here, one as committee member and one as parent/guardian. Some activities are entered under the committee member and some activities are entered under parent/guardian. When KEY 3 generate an activity report (e.g., camping night, service hours), information from these two roles is NOT synced, not complete.
*** Issue 2**
Some parents use a nick name at scoutbook while they use their legal name at my.scouting.org for registration. How could they sync the information?
So, the unit leadership has no way to remove a registered role. That has to be done by the council and removes it for all purposes (i.e. the adult is no longer a registered scouter, at least for that unit). Generally, most councils do not end registered roles without good reason. What is the goal you’re trying to achieve? Are you no longer serving in that role? Do you just not want it displaying anymore? Have you transferred to a new unit and are serving in a different role?