Invitation Manager Direct Link not connecting

The Invitation Link from the Invitation Manager application doesn’t connect to BeAScout, rather it seems to time out and takes the user to to log in. I was going to use this tool during our recruitment efforts this year.

Our Invitation Link is I got that from the Invitation Manager

Brian Cotter

invitation manager has been iffy as of late - though mine did just load

Users have to create a my.scouting account to fill out an online application

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The URL found in the Invitation Manager isn’t a link to your unit on BeAScout. It’s a link directly to your unit’s application. It’s the same link behind the Apply Now button on your unit’s BeAScout Pin.

When someone uses this link they will be prompted to sign into My.scouting or Create an account. Once signed in they will be taken to your unit’s application.

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Thanks to both of you. I didn’t realize the user created the account first. It seems like it’s working as designed. Thanks for explaining it so well.

@BCotter NOTE: that person also has a BSA# now cause they created a MYST account

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