'Invite Counselor Now' button not displaying

From a Scout’s Merit Badge page, with no counselor assigned. The red button is labeled ‘Invite Counselor’ rather than ‘Invite Counselor Now’. Clicking on ‘Invite Counselor’ brings up the list of connected adult leaders, none of these have the red ‘Invite’ button. Feature Assistant appears to be active on the Scout’s MB page. Near the bottom is the red ‘Undo Requirements’ button, and ‘Feature Assistant Active’ displays at the very bottom, above the Scoutbook logo. This is for an existing merit badge. Adding a new merit badge, the result is the same.

Using ‘MB Counselor List’ from the Troop page and searching for one merit badge, the MB Counselor list for that merit badge displays. And each counselor has the red ‘Invite’ button below their photo.

Appears that the Quick Invite feature is working ok from MB Counselor List, but not from the Scout’s Merit Badge page.

Using Feature Assistant V0.43.0.4 with Firefox 70.0 (64-bit).

The developer of the Feature Assistant Extension is aware of this issue and is working on a fix.

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A fix for this was released today.

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