Is leader role info supposed to auto-populated from the BSA "central database"?

Newbie here. I apologize in advance for my ignorance.

My cub scout pack is somewhat setup in Scoutbook (Pack 478 of Kensington MD. Unit id 110249). Scouts show up with the proper rank, but not parents.

But I thought I read somewhere that adult info would be automatically populated from some central BSA database that holds the registration paperwork.

Similar question for leader roles. I thought I read somewhere that they get populated from some central db.

Or… am I hallucinating again?

I’ve read through the import instructions and that’s doable for me, but don’t want to import things if I don’t have to.

Thanks in advance
Ben Slade
Web 2 den leader and web guy
Pack 478 of Kensington MD

Registered adult leaders should automatically be listed on your unit roster. Den Leaders will not be assigned to the proper dens, though. Are you seeing some that are missing? If so, the first thing I’d check is whether they are actually listed in Member Manager. You’ll need a key 3 (COR, CC, CM) or key 3 delegate to pull that roster for you to compare.

Parents are not automatically added to your roster or as connections to their scouts.

Is “member manager” in scout book or something else? If the leaders are missing from Scoutbook, does it hurt anything if I manually add them?

Member Manager is where you can verify your official roster. A Key 3 member (Cubmaster, Committee Chair, Charter Org Rep) can access Member Manager in

The danger of manually adding leaders to Scoutbook is they may not be registered with your council. First check Member Manager, if they appear, let us know so we can debug further. If they do not appear then they are not registered. If an adult application was turned in to your council, check with the registrar to find out the status. If no application was turned in, you must do so along with a copy of the leader’s Youth Protection Training certificate. The leaders will appear in Scoutbook 24 hours after they are added to Member Manager.

Ok, got it. Thanks for the quick response. Undoubtedly, we need to update the central “Member Manager” database. I will talk to the pack leader.

Re: Parents are not automatically added to your roster or as connections to their scouts.

I understand this is a big project with a lot of moving parts, but it’s too bad this isn’t implemented. I have a big pack with 83 scouts and 134 parents and it would’ve been really nice if the parents, and their relationship to scouts, was filled in to Scoutbook from the central db (from “Member Manager”)

We currently track things in Scouttrack software. But I don’t think Scouttrack can export the parent to scout relationship with only one scout and one parent per row, for cases where there are multiple parents related to multiple scouts (ie., can’t export an M-to-N relationship in normalized form)

I think I can write an awk script to reprocess the Scouttrack export into a format importable by Scoutbook, but it’s just a little frustrating that the data is already entered somewhere and I have to enter it again.

Sorry for the frustrated tone.

Ben Slade
Pack 478 of Kensington MD


Not all Councils enter parent data into ScoutNET which is part of the reason why Scoutbook does not automatically associate parents with Scouts. Also, the youth application on has a space for 1 parent so at most you would only get this data.

The volunteer written and supported Feature Assistant Extension for Scoutbook for Chrome and Firefox has the ability to import parents from a csv file. See Feature Assistant - What is it? for details.

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Ok, thanks. That sounds extremely useful.

And just for anybody else reading this, there is also the “Roster Import” feature, but it looks like it doesn’t import adult info (anymore) and therefore can’t associate adults to scouts:

Just FYI, the Roster Import feature is available at: → home → My Dashboard → My Units → Click on your unit name → Pack Roster (at the bottom) → Roster Import (at the bottom)

The Roster Import page has a help link to here:

“review the Scoutbook CSV Template instructions”

Which talks about importing adults.csv, but I think that’s from an old-superceded post.

Ben Slade
Pack 478 of Kensington MD

@BenjaminSlade, you may want to get to know your Potomac District Advancement Chair. George is a good resource for Advancement information. And when he is stumped, he will reach out to me.

  1. The registered position roles are in the BSA membership registration database. Other roles, for example, most roles on a unit committee may not be defined in the BSA membership database. Scoutbook also has some Scoutbook program roles that are not Scouting roles.

  2. Last month (July 2019) BSA released a list of unit adult functional codes. I assume these will be implemented in the online registration system and in the my.Scouting Tools I do not know if and when. I will post the codes for packs separately.

Post created: 2019-08-02

Akela Membership data and Scoutbook

I do not know if all of the following position codes and titles are being pulled from the BSA membership database. If you find some that are not being retrieved please post a Scoubook bug report.

REGISTRATION GUIDEBOOK OF THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, July 2019, ©2019 Boy Scouts of America, p. 9

Cub Scouting Program Requirements - Unit Requirements

Unit Requirements

  • Minimum leadership positions—CR, CC, CM, 2 MCs*, an LL, TL, DL, or WL**, and an LP or AP for each Lion or Tiger
  • Can have—CA, DA, WA, NM, PT, REU, 91U, 92U
  • Minimum youth members needed—Five paid***
  • Term—Minimum six months, maximum 18 months

| * A unit must have two committee members who may be an MC, PT, or NM.
| ** A pack must have at least one den leader who may be a Lion den leader (LL), a Tiger den leader (TL), a Wolf or Bear den leader (DL), or a Webelos den leader (WL).
| *** Units may register with as few as two paid youth members with the permission of the Scout executive.

There is more. See Registration Guidebook (July 2019), p. 9

@Bill_W NOTES:

  • “an LP or AP for each Lion or Tiger” may be misleading. It should be interpreted as:
    “a LP for each Lion” and “an AP for each Tiger”.
  • If I remember correctly, new units starting with at least 10 youth members are more likely to survive the first two years.

Unit Adult Functional Roles

In addition to registered unit positions, there are 19 unit adult functional roles. I do not if Scoutbook is currently downloading these assignments or if all councils have entered these assignments.

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