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I have an adult leader who had a single position/role assigned to him. I updated the role to reflect when he ended performing in that capacity. As a result, now, the adult leader is no longer shown in Scoutbook’s roster at all. He is still in scouting.org’s roster.
How do I assign a position/role to an adult leader not in scoutbook, but in scouting.org’s roster?
Can the Scoutbook Pack Roster page show adult leaders who are not currently assigned a role/position?
How this happened to the 3 leaders
I was doing some housekeeping in Scoutbook to adjust leadership roles for the upcoming 2023-24 program year…
Two 2022-23 AOL leaders (14383874, 13810140) from last year are not returning to our Pack’s Charter come November. I updated their Den Leader position to end on May 31st 2023. Their only role in Scoutbook was Den Leader, as soon as that was gone, they weren’t listed in the Scoutbook roster. This is okay since I wasn’t planning on giving them a new role, but now Scoutbook isn’t listing all registered adult leaders.
A previous year Lion Den Leader (13611618) is transitioning to a Committee Member role. I set his Den Leader role to end May 31st. I planned to give him the generic Committee Member role right after that, but now I can’t see him in Scoutbook.
I can see all 3 individuals in scouting.org though.
@RyanHendrickson as stated in another post - the scoutbook roles mean very little officially - role changes need to be made in my.scouting.org > Roster > Position Manager
In cases like that, it’s better to add the new role before you end the old one. While I agree with Donovan that you also need the change to occur in my.scouting, that can sometimes take a while either to process the paper or get your COR to make the change electronically.
@RyanHendrickson - please stop trying to make official changes in scoutbook as that is not the official roster. The official roster and positions and functional roles are in my.scouting.org
@jacobfetzer & @DonovanMcNeil Thanks for the information. What’s the purpose of Scoutbook’s roster position/roles editor if you’re not supposed to change them there?
Over the past two years our Pack has definitely gone into Scoutbook and updated leader roles fairly regularly without having the COR reflect those changes in Position Manager in scouting.org. We update dates when a person has started/ended a position. I’ve used those dates to help track if someone has earned the Den Leader Knot or Scouters Training Knot. — Based on this conversation it sounds like even though you can do this in Scoutbook, you should be doing this in scouting.org, albeit it seems like scouting.org is far more locked down to be able to make changes like these. I’m also not sure how to get Position Start/End dates from there, or see historical positions.
After looking into this more, I’m seeing the roles available in Scoutbook do not match 1:1 with those in Position Manager. There are many more in Scoutbook. Position Manager also has a few that are not in Scoutbook.
Positions Manager Roles Not in Scoutbook:
Registration Inquiry
Key 3 Delegate
COR Delegate
Council Unit Representative
Lion Guide
Unit Participant
Scoutbook Roles Not in Positions Manager:
Pack Admin
Den Admin
Committee Equipment Coordinator (MC)
Committee Membership Coordinator (MC)
Committee Secretary (MC)
Lion Adult Partner (LP)
Tiger Adult Partner (AP)
Unit Commissioner (80)
Unit FOS Chair (MC)
Unit Fund-Raising Chair (MC)
Unit Outdoors / Activities Chair (MC)
Unit Public Relations Chair (MC)
Unit STEM Coordinator (MC)
Ultimately, it’s the beginning of the program year and I’m trying to get Scoutbook to reflect the positions & roles that adult leaders are actually in.
Recap with a couple questions:
Is Scoutbook a “Legacy” tool that we shouldn’t be directing leaders in the Pack to? I get the impression it’s being phased out.
What’s the purpose of Scoutbook’s roster position/roles editor if you’re not supposed to change them there?
Which roles in scouting.org can update other adult leaders position/roles in Position Manager such that our Program Year reflects current leadership and not last years recharter? I would expect the Committee Chair be able to assign Committee Chair positions. (From the other post, is this only the COR or Council?)
Is there a FAQ, guide, documentation, or training for using Scoutbook and the other tools for common tasks, such as assigning/updating who a Den Leader is or setting someone to a Committee Chair member? I’d like to be better educated on the systems so I don’t run into these snags and have to post here. It takes up a lot of time.
There are Registered Roles (CM, SM, COR) and there are Functional Roles (like Fundraising, Outdoor Activity Chair, things like that.) Functional Roles are somewhat honorific and just say what the person does for the unit. They do not all need to show in Scoutbook
The most efficient and one time place to annually change roles is recharter (or at least historically it has been - moving forward we will see.)
Scoutbook is mainly an advancement tracking system.
The Leader roster in Scoutbook is so Parents can find leaders and see them there - it is fine to change it there but you need to understand it is not official.
COR or COR Delegate can change registered positions for people. Any Key 3 or K3D can add functional roles, other than COR Delegate, only COR can do that.
Scoutbook has more granularity - the committee member registered position includes a lot of roles, some of which come with extra permissions. For example, committee secretary can edit the calendar
Officially you can only register in one position per unit. In reality, many people fill multiple roles. For example, the committee chair might also be an acting den leader.
Sometimes it takes a while for the official position change to take effect.
I would recommend that units use the Position Manager at my.scouting and update registered positions as they occur, and not wait until Recharter. This is especially true for Cub Scout packs where many registered positions change over the summer. Position changes using the Position Manager should automatically sync to Scoutbook (after an overnight process runs).
In addition to the Scoutbook help guides, there is also information on how to use the online registration tools at my.Scouting:
I’ve reached out to our District Exec to initiate the update process and figure out who in the Council can make the adjustments. On the topic of updating Adult Leader positions, like @DonovanMcNeil mentioned and in the Unit Guidebook you referenced, to clarify - only the COR or COR Delegate can update leader positions. Is it possible for the Committee Chair to be the COR Delegate? I can see how that can be a conflict of interest when recommending/approving adult leaders, but I’m curious if it’s technically possible within the system.
Of note, a Key 3 Delegate cannot recommend an adult leader, only the full Committee Chair. I suppose a COR Delegate cannot accept a new adult leader, but a COR Delegate can move positions around?
Scoutbook’s (SB) roster system predates BSA’s purchase of SB. Before the purchase, folks were managing two independent rosters. Since the purchase, BSA has sync’d some of the features from the My.Scouting (MyS) roster to SB.
An adult must be registered with BSA to be added as a leader to a SB roster. You are not required yet to be registered with that unit. If not registered with the unit, name has a caution flag on the roster display.
There is an automatic sync of registered leaders from MyS to SB when a leader’s account is tweaked, normally completed overnight. For Key 3 folks, sync also adds an automatic unit admin position. Positions are limited to the MyS options. If they don’t match the position in SB, it will add the MyS position. (If someone only has the treasurer position in SB, when a sync happens, the person will have two positions - treasurer and committee member.)
As Donovan mentioned, parent can see the SB roster easily. Keeping it updated with the details of who is doing what is helpful for the parents in units that use this SB functionality. For units that use different software, there is no sync to BSA systems and still requires manual updating.
MyS limits a person to one position per unit. SB does not have this limit - a person can hold all the positions they are doing in the unit.
Permissions for leaders in SB are granular, in that, if a person is not an automatic unit or den admin by BSA definition, then the unit can chose each person’s permission level. Permissions could be more granular - a frequent request.
MyS positions have BSA defined permissions in Internet Advancement (IA). This affects folks when they try to enter items on the scout hiking, camping, and service logs. (Problems arise when there is a mismatch between rosters - a MyS committee member acting as a SB den leader tries to enter a den hike to their scout’s logs, which moves from SB to IA, where they don’t have permission to make entries.)
The COR now has the ability to move folks already registered in the unit from one position to another, as mentioned by Donovan. This makes keeping the MyS roster accurate much easier. (No access to Executive Officer or themselves)
The COR can appoint any adult registered in a unit as COR delegate, granting access to do all COR stuff in that one unit. If the CO charters multiple units, each unit can have a COR delegate. And a COR delegate in one unit can not access a different unit.
For those adults who are no longer active in the unit, the COR can move them to Unit Scouter Reserve (USR). This position has no responsibilities and only requires YPT to be fully trained.
Yes, they can. I suspect that’s the most common COR delegate as they are the paperwork side of the unit and also should be most in contact with the COR.
@DougWright - These itemized pointers are extremely useful. Thanks for taking the time to write them up.
Internet Advancement was a bit of a bear for me last year as the Advancement Chair. Most of the Pack’s notes were on running reports from Scoutbook, but IA appears to be the recommended/preferred way to do input items and run reports.