Is MBC Upload working

MBC upload is listed under maintenance but when you click it it lets you in.

Whats up?



I cannot find any active links under MBC upload. We hope to have it re-enabled within the next week.

I uploaded a list last night

I am also able to open the upload page. Could someone from SUAC contact me so I can show you this bug, as I think it presents somewhat of a risk to accessing features outside the intent of the system.

The link was there this morning. I uploaded my file and got an error message during step 1 of the processing. Very frustrating. I had been waiting a long time to get my list updated as I have a District Executive who is after me because a MBC is after him because he doesn’t see himself in Scoutbook.


Please send an e-mail to with a description of the error, your council name and number. Include a copy of the upload csv file for the developers to be able to investigate. Please post the SSD number you receive in the subject of one of the automated replies here so we can get this to the developers.

Thanks for the response, Ed. Turns out it was my fault. Needed to test my upload file generating program a little more. :frowning_face:

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