During the recharter process, one of our Key 3 (MID 10836921) was unable to mark individuals as multiples between the Crew and the Troop. She said that she would select the individuals, go and click on “Manage Members”, but the option to mark as multiple would be greyed out and had a red circle with a slash going through it. This meant that the adult leaders were charged for being on each roster. The Troop and Crew are Special Needs units, so we were wondering if that was the reason this was being difficult? Otherwise, what can we do it fix it?
Is this past tense? I hope they weren’t submitted before this was sorted out, were they?
I came here to find this answer, too. We have 1 adult and 2 youth who are with our troop and with a Post. I was unable to use the drop down on the “manage members” tab to select the post number.
When you choose the person, multiple is greyed out?
Yes. When you select them and go to “Manage Members”, the list as multiple is greyed out and my mouse turns into a little red circle with a slash going through it when you scroll over it.
@ThunderChief - I was able to do multiple registration for youth and adults. I did it one at a time including my own multiple.