Issue with duplicate account

Hi, I’m Breton bienvenue, ASM with Troop 2 (removed by Moderator). When I log into Scoutbook I see an error message than a second account also has my email. Looking at my view of my Son’s profile in Scoutbook I see that my correct account is associated as a parent but also that a second account with a typo in my name appears. I’m guessing that’s the duplicate account.

I reached out to my council and they recommended going to and trying to merge the accounts via Manage ID, but that poppped up an error message. Are there other approaches to take to get rid of hte duplicate account? Here’s my info:

GOOD ACOCUNT (lists me as ASM, MB councelor, tied to my YPT and other training…)
Name: Breton Bienvenue
Member ID: (removed by Moderator)

BAD ACCOUNT (typo in my name & I’ve never logged into it)
Name: Brenton Bienvenue (notice the extra N in my first name)
Member ID: (removed by Moderator)

Thanks for any assistance.

Breton Bienveue
Troop 2 (removed by Moderator)

@BretonBienvenue I have merged your Scoutbook accounts. Please log all the way out, then log back in again.

Please contact your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up your child (or children). In the “Relationships” tab / section, they should remove you as parent under your secondary BSA member ID number, the one ending in -107. Then they should add you as parent under your primary BSA member ID number, the one ending in -855. This will help to prevent future issues.

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