I have a parent who in my.scouting.org was linked to account 13079654. However the date of birth wasn’t working correctly (showing as invalid) and when he tried to register a new scout, it kept saying that he could only register if he was over 18 years old. I talked to Council and they said they had a different member ID, so they changed his member ID to 135947679. So now in my.scouting, everything looks good in My Profile and My Account, and the parent was able to register his other child.
However under Manage Member ID, the parent is not associated with a Council or a member ID. When we try to manage his member ID, it shows no memberships listed. When we try to add either number - the old or the new one (which is already showing in My Profile), it pops up with error message that says “Failed to persist membership. Reason: #[payload.responseMessage]”.
And in Scoutbook, when I look at the parent currently associated with the scout (135947678) it shows there is no member ID for the parent. If I try to create a new connection to see if there’s a different parent record, it doesn’t pull up the parent’s name or the new member ID.