The active ID for the scout in the troop roster is 132742175 but the parent says they get an error and ID shows as 13831993 when they try to log in.
@BrianBandsma this is a watch the parents log in situation - I am sure they are logging in as scout - they made a different name account for the scout with that number - and most people do not know where to find scouts (if they are connected) in
They said that when they logged into the parent account and tried to add the scout they could only get the incorrect ID to show up. So I’m not sure that would be the problem. you cannot add a scout - like I said this is a watch what the user does to understand it
Parent tried Forgot Username, entered ID and date of birth which are in my troop roster. It said Record Could Not Be Located. So I don’t think it’s a user error issue.
@BrianBandsma - what exactly are they trying to accomplish
I need to add the scout to our Northern Tier roster. When attempting to do so I got an error:
My.scouting account not found
does not have a my.scouting account associated with Member ID <####>.
Please ask the guardian of to visit and create an account. After entering their child’s name, date of birth and zip code, and indicating that they are the parent of the youth, they should see a prompt to use their child’s existing member ID <####> to set up the my.scouting account.
If already has a my.scouting account, they can log in to and select “Manage Member ID” in the top left-hand menu. This will give them the option to add their Member ID <####> to their existing account.
Once one of the above steps have been completed, please try inviting again.
Parent attempted to fix the account according to the instructions but is unable to access the account.
Committe Chair is trying to fix by resending an invite to the parent.
@BrianBandsma - is this an out of council transfer into your unit?
@BrianBandsma I can setup a screenshare if you want
I put the correct BSA # on the login - try the Northern teir again
Yes the scout was a transfer from a couple years ago. That worked. Thanks!
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