Issues inviting parents to Scoutbook

I am a Den Leader. Several of my parents were complaining about not receiving Pack emails sent through Scoutbook, and I realized that most of my scouts only had one parent set up in Scoutbook. Using the Connections menu under each scout, I added a second Parent/Guardian, and sent invitation emails to those parents.

Unfortunately I’m hearing that the invitation emails came to these parents only with a password, and not a username. When the parents try to log in using their email address as the username, it does not work. I tested this with my wife and confirmed this is what is happening.

What should these parents do to get access to their Scoutbook accounts?

On, they can click forgot password/username. You can try it with your wife’s account to see how it works.

Yeah, I tried that with my wife, and it prompted me to register a new My.Scouting account. We did so, and now when I try to use that username and password to log into Scoutbook I get this message: “Warning, another user is using the same e-mail address. If this is unexpected, contact your local council or post to the Using Scoutbook Forum.” I suspect it might have registered a duplicate Scoutbook account which may need to be merged.

If it helps troubleshoot, the IDs in question for my wife are:
My Scouting 141096712
Scoutbook 13834112
She should see my son, den, and pack in Scoutbook, but does not.

Beyond getting my wife’s account fixed, how do I ensure the rest of my parents don’t get snared here?

yeah I just tried this and reported the issue. Solution for now would be to follow these instructions to make an account > then sign into and go to My Connections > at top of page there is text in Red to connect a scout as parent

Myst Account Setup.pdf (223.2 KB)

Yes, but the issue now is that I already sent invitations to these parents via Scoutbook, so those duplicate Scoutbook accounts are already in place.

Following instructions above, I was able to manually link my wife’s new My.Scouting account to my son by typing in his BSA Member ID, DOB, etc. Now she is linked, but listed twice on the Scoutbook Connections screen for my son. So I do think she now has duplicate Scoutbook accounts that need to be merged.

How do I avoid the rest of my Den parents ending up in this situation? Can we revoke invitations already sent?

You might be able to

If the Chain icon on Scout page is OPEN - you can click parent name and at bottom of page Delete Connection. Otherwise they would have double parents (that cause no harm) but council can clean up with VST or SUAC can help clean up

Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 10.24.37 AM

What is VST or SUAC?

I was able to delete the open chain connections, and can work with those parents to follow the instructions linked above to set up their own account.

However, I have a couple parents who already accepted the invitation and have a linked chain icon, and ended up in a similar situation to my wife. Who do I contact at National Capital Area Council to clean up these records?

VST is Volunteer Support Tool - Council have it to solve issues - often it is the council registrar but not always. SUAC is a volunteer team here on forums that can help in the same way. If you post the Scouts BSA# we can look and clean up the parent accounts

Thank you for the troubleshooting help!

For starters, my son’s BSA ID is 140381365 so if you can please clean up the duplicate records for my wife, that would be great.

I’ll get back to you with the remaining IDs once the parents get a working account set up.

@JamesScanlon1 that is fixed

Thank you! Can you also please merge the duplicate parents on 141058312 (Court and Courtney)?