JTE service tracking

Wondering if there is a way to run a unit level service project tracking report to help with JTE reporting. I am familiar with the individual activity logs and our unit does track service projects in Internet Advancement already. Guidance would be appreciated. thanks!

@VictoriaMorgan As a designated Unit Advancement Chair, you should be able to go to Internet Advancement:

  1. Select “Reports” (on the left side of the screen)
  2. Select the “Reports” tab.
  3. To the right of “Activity Log Report”, click on “View”.
  4. Select your start and end dates for the report.
  5. If you are running this report for a troop, then you will probably want to select Date Joined = “Date Joined Scouts BSA” to exclude service projects done as a Cub Scout (prior to joining the Scouts BSA program).
  6. Select “Service Log”
    “Conservation Log”
    “Eagle Service Project”
    and “Include Adults”

The report is a bit clunky for this particular purpose, but it should get you the info. that you need.

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There is also an Activities Summary Report option. From Internet Advancements, goto Roster, look for Run Report in the table header, select the downward arrow, select Activities Summary Report, enter the desired date range, and run report.
Report described by Ms. Olinger is more detailed and will include any notes that you might enter with each event.

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thanks so much for the instructions for this report

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