Bug Fixes
- 50th Anniversary EPA Award
- An issue that allowed the 50th Anniversary EPA Award to be saved with an incorrect date has been fixed and a clean up script run to correct these dates.
- Merit Badges Quick Entry
- An issue that caused Merit Badge Quick Entry to replicate notes has been fixed.
- An issue that caused Merit Badge Quick Entry to add new notes on an already completed requirement has been fixed.
- An issue that caused Merit Badge Quick Entry to hang has been fixed.
- Roster
- An issue that allowed parents to invite non-registered adults to appear as leaders on the unit roster has been fixed. A clean up script has been run to remove any such non-registered adults.
New Features
- Cub Scout Ranks
- Cub Scout Rank requirements have been updated to the latest requirements. All Cub Scouts should be using the 2022 requirements for the upcoming school year.
- Cub Scout Retired Adventures
- The following Cub Scout adventures were retired on May 31, 2022 and are now marked Retired in Scoutbook
- Tiger Family Stories
- Tiger Earning Your Stripes
- Tiger Tiger Tales
- Tiger Tiger Theater
- Wolf Collections and Hobbies
- Wolf Grow Something
- Wolf Hometown Heroes
- Wolf Motor Away
- Bear Beat of the Drum
- Bear World of Sound
- Bear Make it Move
- Bear Robotics
- Webelos/AOL Looking Back Looking Forward
- Webelos/AOL Maestro
- Webelos/AOL Project Family
- Webelos/AOL Build My Hero
- Webelos/AOL Adventures in Science
- Webelos/AOL Fix It
- Webelos/AOL Movie Making
- The following Cub Scout adventures were retired on May 31, 2022 and are now marked Retired in Scoutbook
- Edit Profile (please read carefully)
- The Edit Profile function has been split into 2 pages, Edit Profile and Edit Extended Information.
Edit Profile redirectes to Internet Advancement to allow the fields below to be edited. Any changes will be reflected in Scoutbook, Akela (the BSA person database) and my.scouting.org immediately.
- Preferred Name (nickname)
- Address (Home, business and vacation)
- E-mail addresses (multiple)
Note: only the primary Address and e-mail address will be used by Scoutbook
Edit Extended Information allows editing the fields below. The data is used only by Scoutbook.
- Home Phone
- Mobile Phone & carrier
- Swimming classification & date
- Annual Health Record dates
- Scout Life toggle
- Date Joined Scouts BSA
- Local Council
- District
- School Grade
- School Name
- OA member toggle & data
- Talent Release
- Scout Invite (parent only)
Future enhancements:
- Performance of Edit Profile
- Move data from Edit Extended Information to Edit Profile.
- Only Key 3 and Key 3 Delegates and some parents have access to Edit Profile for a Scout. If you receive an error message saying you are not authorized, the reason is you do not fall into one of these categories.
Known Issues:
- In some cases, the member will be taken to the Scout’s Advancement page instead of the Profile page. If this happens, click on Scout’s Info in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Parents who are not designated as such by the Council in Akela will not have access to edit their child’s profile. These parents will receive an error message saying you are not authorized. The current workarounds are to either have a Key 3 (unit leader, committee chair or charter org rep) or Key 3 delegate edit the profile on the parent’s behalf or contact your Council and ask them to add the parent/child relationship via the registrar tools.
- Clicking on Edit Profile for an adult that does not have a BSA Member ID will bring up the legacy Scoutbook Edit Profile page.
- Clicking on Edit Profile for a youth that does not have a BSA Member ID will cause an error in Internet Advancement.
Edit Profile redirectes to Internet Advancement to allow the fields below to be edited. Any changes will be reflected in Scoutbook, Akela (the BSA person database) and my.scouting.org immediately.
- The Edit Profile function has been split into 2 pages, Edit Profile and Edit Extended Information.