Just submitted recharter, what now and how do I print it?

I am a Key3 delegate and just completed my troops recharter online and submitted it. I was expecting something other than “Submitted” and "Recharter Locked. So, how do I proceed now and is there a way to print my finale recharter, like in years past.

The Key 3 (not delegates) will get an e-mail to COR sign the charter and get a PDF of it.

After you hit submit, the key 3 (and I think only the “real key 3”) get an email from Adobe Sign. It says the COR should digitally sign the charter roster. It says that only the COR should sign unless they have explicitly said for the committee chair or unit leader should sign. They then sign. After that, if you did ACR or credit card and had no “red” or uploaded documents you go into “auto post” waiting or something. If you paid at council and had any uploaded documents or any red, you go into “council approval hold” or something. I’m not at my PC to use the exact wordings.