The Scout is registered and we have approved other ranks and merit badges but not SB kicks is out to the dashboard every time we try to approve badges for Scouts. Key 3 access and advancement access and full control but still won’t let us access the badges to approve?
Take a look at the Scout’s Membership page. Under Current Membership, do you see a membership with a Cub Scout pack? If so, click on it and add a Date Ended.
No. His Cub membership is ended. He’s officially in the Troop and we have approved other badges and rank?
Sometimes the Cub Scout membership reappears for some reason, so if you could double-check, that would help to rule it out.
I can’t figure out how to attach a screen shot but I did check. He’s definitely expired from the Pack.
OK, if you would like to try a screen share, I am available.
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