Last name showing up as first name in Scoutbook

Took me a while to figure this out as I was going to post as a question but instead I have a solution. If you see your name in scoutbook listed as Mr. lastname lastname it is because you have filled in your “Preferred Name” using your last name. i.e if you are Joe Smith and you entered Mr. Smith as your preferred name Scoutbook will have you as Mr. Smith Smith on the roster. Maybe this can be fixed???

@KevinBerger is this preferred name in Extended Profile? Where?

Edit Profile in Scoutbook? The data field used to be “Nickname”, but it is now called “Preferred Name”.

Most people use it as a nickname, and many units for their Scouts as well as their adults.

It might be easier if your users just remove their last name, so they will show up as Mr. Smith / Dr. Smith or whatever.

I found the way to fix it by going to the My Account link in the Scoutbook Dashboard. I clicked on the My Account tab and then the Edit Profile link which opens a page labeled Internet Advancement (makes no sense but there it is…) at which point you can see a box for Preferred Name. I had that set up as Mr. Berger as that is what I expect the boys to call me. I cleared the box leaving it blank and it changed my name in Scoutbook to "Kevin Berger” rather than "Mr. Berger Berger”.

I can also get to the Preferred Name box under

Ultimately this may just be another quick with Scoutbook that we will have to live with but in case others are experiencing the same frustration I figured it may be helpful to share the solution.

Yours in Scouting,

Kevin Berger
Troop 236

Last Name can not be left blank.

Yours in Scouting,

Kevin Berger
Troop 236

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