Leader access stuck at pending; multiple accounts?


I’m an adult leader in Cub Scouts, and am having trouble with my den admin access. I used to have no problem with den admin access, but after my Pack’s re-charter in January 2023, my access disappeared and we’ve been unable to get it back. I think this may be due to multiple member IDs and multiple scoutbook accounts. Could you please help to search for duplicate accounts and merge anything that you find?

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Primary Member ID: 14414965
Council: Silicon Valley Monterey Bay 055
Unit: Pack 508

Second Member ID: 108908161
Council: sometimes appears as “Michigan Crossroads 780” in my.scouting.org, other times it shows as “Silicon Valley Monterey Bay 055”

I can log into scoutbook and my.scouting 2 different ways, using a username or an email address. These 2 different methods each use a different password, so I think they are different accounts.

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I really appreciate any help you can provide.


@JeremyCieslak I have merged your Scoutbook accounts.

BSA member ID number:
14414965 - Asst. Den Leader registration
108908161 - Tiger Adult Partner registration

I would recommend contacting your local council and have them use their Registrar Tools to put all of your registrations under a single BSA member number in your current council and also to make sure that your son is connected to you (User Relationships) under your correct BSA member ID number.

Thanks so much! My Scoutbook issues appear to be resolved now.

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