Leader Access

Hi: I took over as committee chair recently and I am trying access scoutbook as a leader (vs. Parent) and make the changes to our new den leader, cubs, and committee lineup as well as add an event calendar. I don’t see that I have leader access on the site but TWC registration says I do. Am I missing something? I tried to make some changes since our scoutbook has not been updated since pre covid and it is telling me I don’t have rights. My member # is 13241012. Thank you. Deb

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You have 2 Scoutbook and 2 my.scouting.org IDs. You need to log in with your ID DeborahNy not your e-mail address.

I will clean up your IDs and report back when finished.

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I have merged your Scoutbook accounts. Do you want your live.com or centersquare*.com e-mail to be on the accounts and your discourse ID?

centersquareasset.com would be best.

Thank you so much.


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