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One of our Committee Members is dual enrolled in the boys & girls Troop. She can access the boys troop but not the girls troop. She is on the girls troop my.scouting roster and shows in Scoutbook on our Troop roster. The BSA# is the same on both the boys & girls rosters and in Scoutbook. The only thing I can see that might be wrong is that her email address does not show in Scoutbook, but Scoutbook does not show me a place where I can add it.
@EliasEl_Hage that user is logging into wrong account - they need to use their my.scouting.org username and password not email - user name is first initial last name - as one word
The Leader only has one account and is using their my.scouting.org username and password and is able to log into Scoutbook and does so regularly, but when she does the girls troop does not show up in her “My Dashboard” only the boys troop. I have reset her connections (several weeks ago), but that did not help.
I have another leader that cannot access the girls troop except as a parent. She is a new (11 Days) ASM and has been added to our charter and Scoutbook. BSA#13624239
Have any of the Scoutbook Unit Admins/Key 3 set up permissions for the new ASM in Scoutbook? By default, ASMs don’t have permissions beyond View Profile/View Advancement.