Leader in multiple units

I am a leader in 3 different units. Only two of the units are showing up on scoutbook. Is there max number of units to have access to?

There is no maximum. Have you added all of your positions under:

My Account → My Positions ?

Are all of your positions approved by a unit Admin? If your position is approved, you will see it with a green shield and checkmark.

Are you registered with all 3 units? If so, ask a Key 3 member from the unit where you position is missing to check the roster in Member Manager at my.scouting.org to make sure you are on it. Let us know what you find out and we can tell you how to proceed.

Another thing to check is your profile on My.Scouting. It lists all your current registered positions.

My.Scouting.org home > Menu > My Profile

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