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We had an adult leader removed from scoutbook and we are not able to add him back in. He was recharter in December, and his YPT is active through December of 2021. Scoutbook can’t even find him as a registered scouter. We are trying to complete the end of the year approvals and awards and while I can do it, it doesn’t make sense that a paid, registered parent, with everything active, cannot fulfill the duties for his den.
ok this is mostly fixed - I have a sync to get position at 4pm today - user can use my.scouting.org log in (name and birthday combo) - if you want his position back faster go to roster and add leader
I have a similar problem. I am a den leader of Pack 1858, Den 9, but in Scoutbook I was removed from my leadership position on 12 April 2021. I see that my position was ended with the comment, “Optional Notes: Ended by SB-2882 clean up script that was run Apr 12 2021 11:18PM”
My member ID is 13142165. My YPT expired in May 2021, but I completed it it on 20 May 2021.
I note that Scoutbook reports our Pack’s MBC list was uploaded on 4/7/2021.
I also note that in my.Scouting, there are no applications listed for me in the “My Applications” view. Do I need to reapply before I can be added back as a den leader? Or is there something that can be done now to get me re-added?
@DominicPucci - you have 2 BSA #s - 12756565 (Den Leader/Training) - 13142165 (old parent)
log into my.scouting.org > click Menu top left > Click Manage Member ID > one of the BSA # will be there marked PRIMARY > then add the other MID (BSA #) - you want to make the one that is your unit registration PRIMARY > Then go to Scoutbook.com and log in using your my.scouting.org credentials
To sign into SB use your my.scouting.org user and password now - NOT your email - your Unit admin needs to assign you a den again