Hey folks, I am trying to figure out why any of our new leaders (who are already in Scoutbook as parents) keep getting setup on new accounts which they can’t use because their email is already associated to another scoutbook account. Hoping there is something we are doing wrong in the application process that I can correct to avoid this in the future. Would prefer not to have to open support tickets for every new leader/committee member. We have had this happen now with our new cub master, new committee chairman, and all the new den leaders this year.
They can log into Scoutbook and go to their accounts > Click Switch SSO and it should solve it for them
Does the first name, last name, zip code and date of birth for these parent accounts in Scoutbook match what is on the leader application?
One way to help this in the future is after the parent logs in to my.scouting.org to take Youth Protection Training, have them use the Switch SSO link in Scoutbook to associate their Scoutbook account with their my.scouting.org ID and their BSA member #.
Also, make sure to write their BSA member # on the application so the registrar does not assign a 2nd one.
The information matches but new BSA Member IDs are being issued. One key difference is the email address on the new duplicate leader account is “changeyouremail@scoutbook.com”.
I will check with some of the users on the Switch SSO link.
Also that makes sense on the application not having a member ID; not sure why I didn’t think of checking that on the applications.
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