Leadership Positions only showing current in Scoutbook, need past

My son has past leadership positions from other Troops in their profile, but the Scoutbook Leadership Positions page only shows the “current” position.

The chart on the same page shows them all; Scoutbook Plus shows them all; his Eagle application shows them all … the District likes the printout on the Scoutbook page, other people in the troop have the same experience … what can I do? Is this a setting somewhere? A change? A broken permission?

@JamesReifsnyder-Smit mine look fine - what is scouts BSA #?? Are they in 2 programs or units?

They are only in one unit, Donovan, but their “past experience” is from a different unit in a different council. I’m their father with Full Control.

The past stuff shows up in the chart, but not down below. Is this the design of the page, to only show current for the current unit?

@JamesReifsnyder-Smit well District is rather rogue to ask for it - all that is needed for EBOR is the Eagle App. Anything above that is counter National Guidelines. I need to look at another scout on the 2 unit question.

What URL is the second image?

Doesn’t it show clearer in the Scout History Report?

Yeah I would say district is rogue - give the history report - what does a TroopMaster Scout provide?

The Scout History Report shows the positions, but not the Troop. It doesn’t have the fancy chart.

The District Board of Review Binder asks for “a print out of the Leadership Positions page with all the Scout’s past and current positions” and, just like I don’t like to argue with my Advancement Coordinators about Wood Badge [sometimes] showing up for adults on the Needs Awarding report with no way to ever get rid of it, I don’t want to have to have to have my son explain to the Board why his is the only binder that doesn’t have past positions on the page.

Well they are asking for something many scouts could have never produced, they are asking for something that is not and has never been supported. To me the History Report meets it to the wording they use.

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Legacy Scoutbook is Very Unit based in leadership, as it is viewed different from advancement. Where the SB+ platform really views the scout as a whole in a different way.

@JamesReifsnyder-Smit - my council and district have never asked for any binder… all they want is the eagle rank application. This is a broad over-reach. This is a study in how NOT to follow the Guide to Advancement

I’m just trying to help my son put together his Eagle binder. I wish the page showed past positions like it used to, that is all. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@JamesReifsnyder-Smit it does show past positions - but it is (and has always been) isolated to the registered unit (not sure if in 2 at same time) - my advise would be for Scout to explain to unit leader what the situation is and what can be provided - the Unit leader should know someone on the committee through Roundtable or other Scouting stuff to approach for clarity.

I think there might be a misunderstanding here, @Stephen_Hornak. The “binder” that I am talking about is for the members of the Board of Review to review before meeting with the Scout. It is authorized by §1 and encouraged by §8. The checklist asks for their blue cards (!), trip slips (!), and certain printouts from Scoutbook like their Membership and Leadership pages; the binder is reviewed before the Board, displayed at the Court of Honor, and becomes a treasured memento.

My daughter got her Eagle in a District/Council that distributes an electronic binder with their ISA, Eagle application, and service project workbook, and in my 5 years of sitting on Eagle Boards and preparing Scouts for their Boards, no, I haven’t seen the Leadership asked for or distributed this way. Our job is to evaluate the entire Scout, and to understand their journey; not to seek evidence of completion. We usually ask the Scout about it if we’re interested.

My son, on the other hand, switched to a new District+Council to finish his Eagle. I’m new to their procedures. They like to have a binder with specific things in it to help the Board understand the Scout’s journey in the pre-meeting, including all their blue cards (!) trip slips (!) and certain printouts from Scoutbook like their Membership and Leadership pages.

I’m not in a position to waive around the Guide to Advancement and say that they’re doing it wrong, they seem to me to be reasonable things to ask for, and as Donovan pointed out, can be reasonably adapted.

In this case, they were asking for a page about Leadership, and I was curious as to why Scoutbook doesn’t show Leadership where we (they+me) expect to see it. I got my answer, thank you.

@JamesReifsnyder-Smit What are “trip slips”?

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The Eagle Application states what is needed and it is limited to the application and Eagle Project Workbook. Anything more is adding to requirements which is not permitted per the Guide to Advancement.

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@JamesReifsnyder-Smit - this does not include an eagle binder. The items listed are ALL that is needed for an EBoR

These are requirements that are beyond the G2A and thus not allowed (and wrongheaded).

Not that I didn’t have similar issues with my daughter’s BOR and the district waiting for all letters of recon to come in and if one want received, a new letter would need to be requested as they MUST have them all. Also not in G2A. My plan is to eventually push back but now AFTER my daughter is done. I didn’t want to be that parent/leader (even if they were in the wrong).

And the Scout is only responsible for providing names and contact information for references, not the letters themselves.