I figured out how to create an event on the calendar and invite scouts but I want to limit the event to 5 scouts. How do I do that?
There is not currently a way to limit time or number of RSVPs. However, you can “fake around” the time limit by turning off RSVPs. more details in a discussion here:
thank you. I have created a sign up genius page and put the link into the description. Not ideal but I need to limit number of scouts at an event per charter organization. If scoutbook adds this feature I would be much happier! thanks again for replying to me
I know folks have asked for the ability to limit sign-ups to a certain number and/or to a certain timeframe before. That might be somewhere on the development timeline, but nothing has been published that I am aware of.
If there is a limit, explain that in the sign up details. Instruct the unit to check how many people are signed up, and to post a comment to the event if they want to be wait-listed.
Check back frequently and record current sign ups in a Comment you post yourself. When you hit the limit, start a wait list.
Yes, extra work. I would love to see a sign up limit feature, but see that as way down on a priority list.
Happy Scouting
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