Right it shows Lion Rank but the only award that shows available in Scoutnet is cyberchip.
The Awards (Belt Loops) show in Scoutbook and possibly Internet Advancement, I don’t log in to that but they aren’t available in Scoutnet for us to enter.
I wonder since they started as just stickers - then transitioned to Adventures (I guess they are called that) if they were just over-looked?
That could be, but I guess if they’re in Scoutbook and that will be the official record soon, maybe Lion awards aren’t top priority.
Thank you for all your help
I wonder why it shows the Cyber Chip?
I don’t know but I just saw this on workplace facebook
Yes IA2 is launching soon - there will be communication coming out about it
Well apparently the Scout Shops already got the communication, do you know who is going to be notified.
Council employees are always the last to know