I have two parents who cannot be added as “Lion Adult Partners” in Scoutbook. I see them connected to their Lion Scouts as parents, but when I try to add them to the Den as a leader I cannot even find them when searching for them using their email address or BSA ID (Yes, they have BSA IDs). Is there some way to change this?
They should already be listed as Lion Adult Partners and in Scoutbook. A Lion Adult Partner is not a registered leader, thus you cannot add them as a leader.
If you post their BSA Member IDs (no names) we can investigate.
They are listed as Parents, but there is a specific role called “Lion Adult Parent” and I want to make each a Den Admin as well, so any of them can update the advancement for the whole group. Since there isn’t one Den Leader in the Lions program, this is pretty important.
The first MID you provided is registered as a Lion Adult Partner. I have requested a position sync which should add the Lion Adult Partner position to Scoutbook. The next sync is at 3:00 PM Central today.
MID 13685151 is not registered at all so there is nothing that can be done with this account. You will need to work with your Council to have the Lion Adult Partner position added for her. The next day it will push to Scoutbook.
Keep in mind that Lion Adult Partner is not a registered leader position and thus these individuals will only have access to update their own children in Scoutbook. You can give them view access to the rest of the Scouts but not any Edit access.
Hmmm… okay, thank you. Perhaps that’s not complete because our recharter isn’t complete? We have a UMC chartered org, so maybe… but I’ll reach out to have her connected. Thank you!
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