Locked out of Lion requirements now that Cub is in 1st grade

I’m Cubmaster for my pack. When a new Cub joined after finishing Kindergarten this last June, I wasn’t able to enter anything for the Tiger den that she did at day camp. So we decided to power through the Lion requirements this summer before she started 1st grade

Her mom finished the last few requirements for her Lion rank before her 6th birthday, but she didn’t get them entered in Scoutbook and didn’t tell me, so now it won’t let me (the Cubmaster) enter in the requirements that she completed so she can receive her Lion rank.

I really miss the old Scoutbook for the pack.

Either just use the 24 version for it (as it is trivial) or council will have to enter it. The old version is no longer functional as of 9/1

I have been using the 24 version. Is there a way to do what I’m asking to do? I emailed my council office and it was suggested to do the following:

“I asked Robin up front and she said that you should still be able to add things because she is still in cub scouts just a different den. Have you googled it and see what comes up I do that a lot for scoutbook”

Which clearly isn’t working for me.

In a 2nd followup email she sent me this video, and at minute 9 it says I should be able to add previous advancements earned after a Cub has changed dens for bookkeeping purposes, but I need step by step directions on how to do that since I haven’t been able to figure it out yet.

And I did just find the Unit quick entry, but it won’t allow me to enter the date for her last 2 Lion adventures.

So if you have any other ideas how I’m supposed to enter in past adventures for bookkeeping purposes, please share them!

@CatherineRussell2 - I think what you can do is move this scout to a lion den temporarily to record the items in question. then move the scout back to a tiger den.

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