I am trying to find my old youth BSA member ID number from when I was in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts from the 1980s - 1990s (Longhorn Council).
I would like to add my old youth member id to my new my.scouting.org account I just recently created while registering my son in Cub Scouts (Circle Ten Council).
@CoreyClements - your prior council may be able to provide that BSA ID. For what purpose will this needed ?
@CoreyClements it is not in the National Database - often I only see those if an Eagle is attached it seems - Longhorn might be able to help
Thank you… From other threads I’ve read it seems Eagle scout may be the the requirement to find it there.
Only to possibly see any recorded advancements. But looks like they wouldn’t be there anyway except Eagle Scout.
@CoreyClements - I did run a scoutsBSA history report for our scoutmaster and there was some advancement data but not complete.