My BSA ID 12822491. For my Pack, I have the following roles/permissions.
“Den Admin Webelos Den 3, Den Admin Tiger Den 6, Pack Admin, Den Leader Webelos Den 3, Executive Officer, Committee Chairman”
I was just in Scoutbook entering advancements for some scouts (bulk entries in Scoutbook+). When I was done, I came back to scoutbook, and I’ve lost a TON of connections. I’ve even lost my connection to my own daughter (she’s still in the pack, I just can’t access any of her information - she doesn’t show up in “my family” section anymore).
When I check my connections, I’m listed as connected to those scouts.
If I goto den pages (including my daughters den), many scouts are greyed out as though I am not connected to them (I’m only connected to 2/9 in her den).
On the roster page, they all show up as connected, but if I try to access any of their profiles, I’m sent back to my dashboard.
Tiger den, I’m connected to 4/4
Wolf Den, I’m connected to 13/13
Bear den, I’m connected to 7/7
Webelos den, I’m connected to 2/9
AOL den, I’m connected to 0/10
I was only doing advancement for Webelos and AOL dens, but I’ve lost connections to people who I entered nothing for.