MB Counselor Accidently Deleted

Our council uses the “bulk upload” method to update Merit Badge Counselors and the subjects they are authorized to teach. In our last upload, we inadvertently used an older update file which deleted the Citizenship in the Community badge which had recently been added to MBC 13474583. When advised of our error, we re-instated the badge. Then we got the following email from the MBC:
Thanks for re-activating CitNat for me. I can now see it on ScoutBook. However, I can’t see the scouts that I had in progress on that MB; or the ones that have fully completed the MB with me, though I suppose as long as those advancements show up for those individual scouts, that’s not my issue any more. :slight_smile: For the ones in progress, I was using ScoutBook to record the items they had completed, so ideally I would be able to recover that information. If that’s not possible, I can try to reconnect to those scouts and rebuild the record through emails and notes and such, though that would require a bit of extra effort.
Please let me know if it’s possible to restore all the info I had associated with my CitNat scouts that was completed prior to the MB being removed from my authorized list.
Is there anything we can do to restore the “missing info”?

Well the info is still with the scouts - the system just ended the connection cause the MBC was no longer valid for that - units or MBC just need to re-establish the connection for that MB

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Hi, @JuddStiff,

I’ve encountered this as the MBC myself a couple of times. Anything that the counselor/scout had entered in Scoutbook on the scout’s record should still be in the database, including any requirement approvals prior to the disconnection. However, I had to reconnect to each scout individually to re-establish the MBC connection in Scoutbook, before I could add any additional comments/mark anything else Counselor Approved.

This is just one reason why it is better for Councils to manage MBC merit badge assignments via Registrar Tools instead of via file upload.


Ed suggested that MBC merit badge assignments are better handled in Registrar Tools. In our relatively small council, the management of MBCs is handled by volunteers in each district. Our already-overworked Registrar is very thankful that she does not have to handle the management of merit badge counselors. Having the ability for the volunteers to prepare the MBC upload file is an “appreciated benefit”.

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