"Member not found" when trying to transfer Scout from a Pack

I’m trying to initiate a transfer of member ID 136276590 using the “transfer in” tool. However, when I type in their member ID, First and Last Name, and Date of Birth, I get the error, “Member Not Found” with the second line, “We were not able to retrieve information from the memberId”.

Do you have any thoughts on what could be going wrong? The Scout does have two last names, but I’ve tried every combination I can think of on where to put each name, omitting one of them, etc.

last name is C### (space) L#### - that being said - not sure if the system can handle a double last name
Perhaps the Pack can do it from my.scouting.org for you

I hope this is an ok place to post my question as it is very similar. I have a scout who was in Cub Scouts, was out for his WEBELOS year, then joined again for his AOL year. He is now in my Troop. However, we weren’t able to get him reassigned to the Pack last year. Now I’m trying to get it all fixed and have him reassigned to my Troop. Council gave me his BSA number, but I don’t believe any other effort has been made on their side to get him listed into my Troop. Trying to Transfer In, I get the same error as the title of this post. His BSA ID is 135556302. How do I get him into my Troop 0321, Challenger District, Central Florida Council?

@AndrewBohlin that scout has no current registrations so cannot be transferred in - they need to register at beascout

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Thank you. We’ve been having issues in several units within Central Florida Council not processing scout registrations. I have sent in several applications for this scout for a year.

@AndrewBohlin Ask a parent / guardian of the Scout to apply online at beascout.org.

When it asks: “Is the youth a current/former Scout?”, they should answer yes and then fill in the Scout’s BSA member ID and other info.

His Scoutbook account just populated with his whole history! I don’t know who flipped the switch, but thank you so much!!!

@AndrewBohlin I merged the Scout’s Scoutbook accounts, but that doesn’t fix the registration. A parent / guardian still needs to register the Scout.

We will get that done! Thank you so much!

Oh no! This same scout’s dad submitted his youth application online last night. I approved it on the application manager and now he’s no longer in my roster. What is going on? It won’t let me find him on the in-council transfer either.

@AndrewBohlin Did you just approve the youth’s application today? You probably need to wait 24 hours.

Ok. I will check back tomorrow. I just don’t understand how you got it to show him in Scoutbook, and now he’s hone again.

@AndrewBohlin It looks like the Scout is fixed today.

One of the parents (first initial “B”) appears to have 2 BSA member ID numbers:

135556303 - primary

She also appears to have a typo in her last name. Your local council can correct the typo using their Registrar Tools.