*1) Hardware: Desktop
2) Operating system Windows
3) Browser Chrome
4) Browser cache has been cleared or you are using a private browsing mode (aka Incognito Window in Chrome) Yes
5) Member ID & Council of person affected (Be told before not to put this in) Pathway to the Rockies Council
We moved from Germany to Colorado and transferred myself and my children into the new council. All transfers went through, but for my son and myself shows on the renewal part of scouting,org us back in old troop in Germany. Daughter transfer and renewal went through not issues. Trying to ensure I get my application through to pay for new year dues in new troop.
Contacted my local council.
Thank you
@EriksonMcCleary1 you are probably using your old BSA # not a new one - with a new council there is a new BSA number - what is your Scouts BSA # and we can do some research to advise you
My member number is 14263970 and REMOVED (Son) is 140957521.
REMOVED (Daughter) is 140957513 no issues on renewal.
Thank you.
@EriksonMcCleary1 you need to do 2 things
go to my.scouting.org > manage member ID > make 137091718 Primary - that is the 060 one so you can renew (I will move any of your SB Users and merge to that MID)
contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct BSA member ID number - they can erase other MIDs of you to avoid confusion or keep them
That fixed it, now my son it tied to me again and I can renew both of us. Thank you so much for the help.