Merge accounts for scout book

I am with the Aloha council and I need my scout accounts merged.

Keep: 14362010
Merge: 14213548
Merge: 127509248

I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

My husband is the Cubmaster for our Pack. Over the weekend, he lost the ability to see the Pack through Scoutbook. In my account, I can see that next to his name is a yellow caution sign. (Yes, he did re-register). When he logs into his my.scouting account, the correct BSA # appears along with his current registered positions, but when he logs into scoutbook there is a SB# but no BSA number associated with it. What should he do?

@CarrieKnapp post his BSA # and we can look at it

BSA #126232065 [SB #13019650 he’s currently seeing when logging into SB]

@CarrieKnapp this is fixed
I would recommend contacting your local council and ask them to use their Registrar tools to look up your Scouts and go to the User Relationships section and update those so that They are listed there as the Users Children with the primary BSA MID of the registration for the adult.

Thanks so much for the help. I’ll contact our Registrar and see if that can be done.

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