Merge adult account

Can you merge these IDs?

Individual is in Council 620 - a registered adult in unit 3102 and a parent in Unit 0140 with two accounts connected to the scout:

Keep this one - BSA ID 13541696, Initials PJ, connected to Scout BJ in Unit 0140.

Merge this one with the one above BSA ID 135798049, no email, Initials PFJ

Thanks for your help,

@ConstanceF His Scoutbook accounts have been merged.

This adult should log in with his my.scouting username – not his e-mail address.

I would recommend contacting your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up his children. In the Relationships section, they should make sure that the parent is listed there with BSA member number 13541696. They should remove the other one (as a parent).

Can you merge this adult account?

Council 620
Unit 7040 (just transferred in today, previously Unit 0087 and MBC)

Retain this BSA ID : 126616483 Initials KD. In this account has a preferred name starting with B.
Other BSA ID not being used 135740733 Initials KD

Thanks for your help,

@ConstanceF that is done

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Still struggling with multiple IDs for this adult:
Council 620, Unit 7040
Initials KD (preferred name starts with B)
Wants to retain this ID 126616483

In our leader roster in Scoutbook he has this ID: 13594405 (however when I click Edit Profile it takes me to the correct one above in IA)

As a connected parent to scout GD he has this ID he also wants to merge with the older one: 135740733

He took recently re-took YPT and it is not syncing with his record so hoping this is the issue.

Thanks for your help


@ConstanceF ok that is fixed - I recommend that They contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct BSA member ID number 126616483