Merge BSA Accounts into one ( different councils )

I have a scout Dean who transferred over from out of country council to NCAC. Can his accounts be merged into one. I had requested that when we did the transfer, but somehow it did not go through

The Old BSA Number - 137336726 ( has all his achievements )
The new BSA Number - 140615162


@JiteshBatra am cleaning this up - BUT you need to check DOB - they had different years

I have an adult leader who has 2 different SB user IDs and I’m trying to get them merged so he can see our units scouts when logging into scoutbook.

The user id in his scoutbook is 12781780

The one I see in scoutbook for him which is connected to our scouts is 13546728

Please let me know what further information is needed to have these merged as well.

@DamienBrown that is fixed - I recommend that They contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct BSA member ID number 14654787

I have 1987 in my application, i believe that is the correct one… I am not sure where was it entered incorrectly. Thanks for fixing it.


@JiteshBatra council can correct DOB if needed

@DonovanMcNeil - I cant seem to find Dean on scoutbook, he is on the official roster in myscouting. What am I missing here ?

Check this evening @JiteshBatra

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