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About a month ago, I posted to merge an account and now we have that Scout registered in our Troop and NCAC created yet ANOTHER account.
Can you merge the previous account with the new account?
Becky Clark
NCAC’s Troops 1965 B&G Committee Chairman
We have a Scout who has moved around a bit the last few years and has accumulated 3 Scoutbook accounts…all of which have wrong information. Before we register him in our troop, we were wondering if we could get his accounts down to just 1.
Let me know if you need any other identifying information. Once we’ve got him down to 1 account, we are going to try to register him for our Troop!
Becky Clark
NCAC Troops 1965 B&G Committee Chairman
THANK YOU!!! Donovan…you are AMAZING!! The Dad is going to be sooo happy. He was super nervous because they didn’t have good records to give us. I told him I do NOT like it when Scouts have to repeat requirements just because they are milKids and moved. It’s not fair!