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I logged into Scoutbook today to see if I had another warning that there was a duplicate user. I applied to be a MB counselor not long ago to my existing registration, and I wonder if that may have triggered this.
I only see 1 Scoutbook ID for you. There is an issue with your MBC registration however that you need to contact your local council to fix. Your MBC registration is set to expire 12/31/24 but the rest of your positions expire 1/31/25. All positions are supposed to expire on the same date.
I did find multiple my.scouting.org IDs for you, one is your e-mail address, the other is the portion of your e-mail address before the @. Which do you want to retain?
Sorry for the delay. I ended up getting sick this last week. I assume I need to keep the one I login with which is (Removed by moderator)
I’ll contact council about the other part. I moved councils back in February from west coast to east coast. Every time we move merging everything together is chaos.
I have merged your my.scouting.org IDs. Use your full e-mail address to log in to all BSA systems.
Note, your children have the same e-mail address as you on their Scoutbook accounts. This is not a problem but you will see a message that says another user is using your e-mail address when you log in to Scoutbook.
If you move Councils again, make sure you use the same FN, MN and LN as on this account so that the system properly matches the BSA Member IDs and you do not run into issues.