Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
14508313 Jane wrong first name, active account but no connection to her scouts
14668472 Janie right first name, not active account no connection to her scouts
14508373 cub
14508321 boy troop
Please merge the two above for this mom and ensure she is connected to her two scouts. Thanks
Janie- “right name”. Please make sure she is connected to her youth and it is an active account. She can only get into the one that is Jane but wants to be Janie. She is not connected with her scouts at all.
I am not sure if this is the right place to ask for help. I have my parent account 140717144 but I am not able to see my sons information account 140297886. I am new to this and assuming I am doing something wrong. Is there a way to be able to manage his account/profile, etc from my parent account? It also does not appear to be associated with my wife’s account 140297811.
Truly sorry if this is the wrong place to comment / ask for help.
@BrianFoley2 It looks like your wife has the parent / child relationships, but you do not.
You can contact your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up your son. In the “Relationships” tab / section, they can add you as a parent. The next day, you should be automatically connected to your son in Scoutbook Plus.
Alternatively, a Pack Admin can log into Scoutbook and use the Connections Manager to connect you to Scouts in the pack. Then they will need to update your connection type to parent / guardian in Scoutbook.
One advantage to this approach (vs. the Unit Admin method), @BrianFoley2, is that you will also be able to do online renewals/transfers, assuming such are permitted in your unit/council. As a trade-off, it sometimes takes longer for the council staff to get to some things than unit scouters, depending on their workload.
Late reply…
Please use Janiehynson1 for her user name. She has confirmed she can access my.scouting with this user name. Please make sure she is correctly linked to her scouts. See screenshots.
14508313 parent
14508373 cub
14508321 boy troop
I take it this is why there is no access to parent in SB+. See screen shots