Hi, I need to have 2 accounts for the same scout merged.
Old Account: SB User ID:9053092 BSA Member ID:135925434 Theodore Roosevelt Council.
New Account: SB User ID: 12906248 BSA Member ID: 14797658 Sam Houston Council.
@RichardRobson these are merged - in both instances they did not merge on their own cause the registrations were different - Missing Middle name in SHC
Hi Donovan, My family of 5 has been traveling for the last few years. We are all mixed up on merging our BSA ID numbers. I am currently tracking down all of the numbers and trying to get everything merged…we have been lone scouts, sea scouts in 2 places, and are currently on land in Maine with a troop and crew and still active in LaSalle SSS101. Also, one of my daughters has worked at a BSA camp in another council. I have put my daughter down below. However, she has two other accounts as well: one in Narragansett as a camp counselor and one in Fort Myers FL as part of Sea Scout Ship 263.
, NEIC 136201184 (old), LaSalle Council 136886415, Pine Tree Council 14228151
Thanks for your help!
@JulieZollmann it is not that simple - so is the scout currently registered in 2 different councils? one for the Ship and one for the crew?
Yes, she is currently registered with 2 different councils, plus a third during camp season in the summer.
OK all the MIDs could be put under Management (log into my.scouting.org > click Menu top left > Click Manage Member ID > one of the BSA # will be there marked PRIMARY > then add the other MID (BSA #) - you want to make the one that is your unit registration PRIMARY > Then go to Scoutbook.com and log in using your my.scouting.org credentials)
But she would still need multiple Scoutbook Accounts
Thanks for clarifying!
Good Morning - Please help lost access after Re-Charter or Year-End.
My SB USer ID is 12370887 for myself. Darrin Hansen.
BSA ID’s: 132176393 and 132176310
Current Issues:
- After year-End 2022 I lost access as Treasurer to the 219G on Scoutbook. When I sign in to Sb it currently shows mE on 219 Crew and 219 Boys.
- One of my BSA ID’s has my son’s DOB XX/XX/2007 and the other does not have a DOB it is blank?
- I also get the error that someone else is using my email address for an account…?
Any Help is appreciated. Thanks, Darrin
@DarrinHansen this is fixed - you need to be using your my.scouting.org username/password to log in - NOT your email
Many Thanks. Happy New Year!
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