I have a parent who just became a den leader. However, they’ve been given a new member I’d instead of the existing one. Can someone with that access help?
Original / active BSA ID : 136869951
New ID: 13638952
If they can get merged to the active one, that’d be great. I can’t edit the new one’s profile to change the email address, and can’t find where I can set that for him.
Thank you!
@Mattgyver This is fixed.
Thanks for the quick response, Jennifer!
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@Mattgyver - as an aside i do like the avatar
@JenniferOlinger - so here is my fun post in this line of thought:
BSA ID 13279876 sb ID 12189106
BSA ID 130937911 sb ID 53856 - all training reposed there
@Stephen_Hornak One of her BSA member numbers has been deleted / merged, and she has 2 my.scouting user names.
I will send you a private message.
@JenniferOlinger - alrighty… will watch for it
I also need help merging my son’s Scoutbook account after he transferred into a new Troop following a move.
Old: Gulf Coast Council, Choctawhatchee District, BSA 132088579 UserID 1521252
New: Greater Tampa Bay, Timucua, BSA 14110821 UserID 12320237
His advancement and awards are correct in the old, and user profile information are more current in the New. I can easily update his scoutbook account for address information though if it’s easier to merge keeping just the old account information.
Thank you!
@BrianTaylor2 His Scoutbook accounts have been merged.
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I have a parent who moved from an old council to a new council. At the new council, she is a committee member. She was given a new BSA Member ID number for the new council and now can’t login into Scoutbook with her new Troop.
Old: Denver Area Council 061 / BSA Member ID 133524761
New: New Birth of Freedom 544 / BSA Member ID 137088321
Can someone help this parent get access to ScoutBook?
Thanks so much!
I have two active BSA member id’s. If I’m logged in under 124239698 I see all but one of my units in Scoutbook. I have to switch to 14040285 to see my other unit. I would like all of my units to be merged under 14040285.
@AndrewPeterman Ask her to please try again. If she needs to use the forgot password chatbot (“Betty”) at my.scouting, I have synced her address, so she should be able to use her new zip code.
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@RobertFrock_Jr You have active registrations in 2 different councils, but Scoutbook only supports one BSA member number at a time.
Hi, I also have a couple of accounts that need merging due to moving from one council to another.
First is my son, the old number (with all his logs and info) is 135360477 and the new one is 137502493.
Next are mine, the old being 135261738 and new being 137502494.
I understand that. How do I get all of my units under one login ?
Unfortunately, because these BSA Member IDs (MID) are from 2 different Councils you need 2 different Scoutbook accounts to manage the data. You have 2 options.
- Create a my.scouting.org ID for your 14040285 member ID then use that to log in to Scoutbook.
- Add your 14040285 to your existing my.scouting.org ID then to switch between Scoutbook accounts, prior to logging in, go to my.scouting.org then use Manage Member ID to MID for the account you want to log in to primary.
@AndrewJohnson8 I actually found 5 BSA member numbers and 5 Scoutbook accounts for your son. I have merged them, but this has resulted in some duplication.
I am looking at your accounts now.
Updated to add: Your Scoutbook accounts have been merged.
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I’ve moved around a lot… the two I posted for my son and two for myself were the last two. Thanks for the help.
I also have an adult with 2 id’s - the one from when he was a scout and his more recent one as an adult. Can you merge the newer BSA ID 135090594 into the old number 110026282? His current training certificates are with the 110026282, but the number associated with the unit roster is the newer ID # that does not have his most recent YPT (and I suspect other ASM trainings) associated with it. Thank you in advance for fixing it the way you have for others.
@Jennifer Olinger . . . . Thank you. This worked. YAY 
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