Merge two scoutbook accounts please

I have a registered scout who has two accounts in Scoutbook. Can you please merge:
SB User ID 4548646, BSA Member ID 129154296, and
SB User ID 489249, BSA Member ID 131133141 and previous 13324434
Thanks very much!

@EmilyGilbert When we merge Scoutbook userIDs, overall completions that are approved will merge. However, individual requirements will not merge.

Do you have a preference as to which Scoutbook userID to keep?

@JenniferOlinger I have a similar issue that I need help with! We just started a troop and we’re learning how to use Scoutbook and I accidentally created new user ID’s for all of our Lions before I realized it. Is there a way to delete the ones that I created?

@KristyGehling If the new Scoutbook userIDs do not have an associated BSA member ID number, you should be able to delete them by going to each “Edit Extended Information” and then “Delete [Scout]'s Account”.

Or we can merge them, but we would need BSA member ID numbers for the Scouts.

(No names, please.)

Thank you @JenniferOlinger! That worked!

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