Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
My daughter and I are registered in four units in three different councils. At recharter time this year, there was a delay in processing our primary registrations with the Greater New York Councils, so the Patriot’s Path Council (where our Sea Scout unit is located) assigned a new membership account to my daughter. This new account is completely blank - except for the Council Youth Leadership award she earned this spring and a few other things she’s done in the meantime. Everything else she’s done in Sea Scouts is only visible if I run a Sea Scout History report through her primary account.
I am the Skipper of our Sea Scout Ship, so I’ve spoken to both the GNYC and PPC registrars and they’re saying it’s a Scoutbook issue and that everything “looks good” on their end. We had a similar issue when she turned 18 but at that time our primary council registrar was able to merge the accounts (they’re saying they can no longer do that). I am hoping someone can merge the two accounts soon because she’s supposed to have her Quartermaster Bridge of Review before the end of the summer.
•GNYC 12104786 - Venture Crew 587 (her primary registration where all her scouting records are available in history or otherwise)
•PPC 137248856 - Sea Scout Ship 228 - doing her Quartermaster (this is her number according to the council, though on Scoutbook it says her number is the same as NNJ)
•NNJ 148135514 - her secondary Sea Scout Ship 1908 (she hasn’t done any advancement through this ship - she’s just helping them)
When I go on Scoutbook, I have access to two Scoutbook accounts for her: the account with SB User ID # 9867439 shows her GNYC/Venturing records (with Scouting & Sea Scouts histories); while account with SB User ID # 13200497 shows her new Sea Scout tabs for both 228 and 1908. The only account she has access to when she logs into Scoutbook is the one with 9867439 SB ID.
If you are able to merge and fix her accounts, we have four more scouts with similar issues.
Unfortunately, whatever you did actually made it worse because now there’s only one account with three tabs (C587, S228, S1908) but the only tab that shows anything is for Crew 587 - the ship tabs take me back to my Scoutbook home screen. It also lists my daughter as “Emanie Torres” on the name drop down list. Additionally, she is not showing on ANY of our unit rosters.
I hope this can be resolved somehow
@SnezanaPanepinto yes I am pretty free on calendar right now - just post here and we can see - Scouts across councils trying to advance is never a good recipe.
Everything seems to be fixed with my daughter’s account now. Thank you so much!
Would it be possible to do the same for our other scouts? We all joined Ship 228 in Patriot’s Path because it’s 15 minutes away from where we live as opposed to the closest remaining Ship in GNYC which is almost an hour and a half away. I can send you their names and ID numbers if you have time to do it.
the other aspect of merging accounts items that are not complete (like MB Requirements) are lost for the accounts expect for the surviving user. So if you merge accounts and they both have unfinished achievements some will be lost.