Merit badge list for counselor showing nothing

My name is Susan Huang, I am with

Troop 8888.
I am Merit Badge Counselor for “Communication” and “Citizenship in Society”. but it is not showing in the scoutbook.

Can you please check?

@SusanHuang -

If you are a registered scouter with the unit, you should be able to go to Scoutbook → My Dashboard → Administration → My Units → Troop 8888

Then, scroll to the bottom and look for MB Counselor List. From that list, you should be able to search your own name and zip code to see if you appear. Make sure to toggle to Any for the status, and I would also use any distance, since the distance calculator is occasionally “off” by quite a bit. If you don’t show up there, your council probably doesn’t have you registered correctly and you’ll need to reach out to them to get you registration corrected.

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Alternatively you could go to your account then my positions it think it is and see the MBC role there.

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Good point. I was thinking about it from the perspective of verifying that the system was seeing things “correctly” and serving the role in the list. Your method is a much easier approach.

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There are no Merit Badges associated with your BSA Member ID in either Akela or Scoutbook. Your Council needs to either record your Merit Badges with the Registrar Tools or upload a new Merit Badge Counselor list to Scoutbook.

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