Merit badge progress disappeared

I have a scout with a partial Camping merit badge. I (as advancement chair) entered camp completions, and the merit badge counselor has also marked completions. All that information has disappeared and the merit badge is not currently showing as even open. Is there a history kept somewhere that I can see if someone erased it or if it just magically disappeared? The scout’s member id is136370457.
Any help is appreciated.

@TeriLamprey - i trust after entry someone clicked update or save

There is an Audit Log report, available to Key 3 and Unit Admins under the Troop Reports menu in Scoutbook.


@TeriLamprey on 9/5 the merit badge the version was changed 3 times, then the last action was the MB being deleted yesterday. it was sitting at 67%. Who took that action is not saved - but it was a user action


Thank you. This is very helpful. I will talk to troop leadership.

If I find this deletion was done in error, is there a way to see the record that was deleted so we can recreate it accurately?

Not sure on that - I would have to check

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HI Donovan,

It looks as if the scout’s mother may have deleted the merit badge. Is there a way to restore the lost record or at least get the information so we can recreate it accurately?


There is no way to restore a MB that was deleted from Scoutbook. Hopefully the Scout has a Blue Card showing progress.

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A good reason for our troop to go back to paper blue cards instead of being 100% dependent on Scoutbook. thank you.

Or do backups on a regular basis. We do them every few months.

Great idea. I should have thought of that. Thank you Matt.

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