Scout lost all advancement in

I am the Advancement Chair for my boy’s Troop and recently noticed that one of the scouts has been taken out of his Patrol and all of his advancement has been wiped out. He is a Life scout that joined around 2015 and has probably 30 merit badges completed plus any number of awards, positions, etc. I contacted my local District representative and he assured me that his Council records show him with all of his merit badges, rank dates etc and has sent me a report showing that. I have no idea how removed all of his information though. The District rep said he would contact help but nothing has been resolved as of yet.
Has anyone else had this issue?


Go to the Scout’s profile page and make sure his BSA Member ID is correct. Is this Scout 18 years of age or has he recently registered in a different council?

Also look at the Scout’s membership - is there anything in the Notes field? Either way I think you need to send an email to with all the details - Scout name, BSA #, DOB, and a description of what is wrong

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