I am a counselor approved in the district, but the local troop can not find me in the scout book to link to me and allow me to fill out blue card. I am also a local Cubmaster and den leader just incase that added to issue. in scout book Merit Badge counselor does not appear in my role
when you go to my.scouting.org > under profile do you see the MBC role?
What Council are you a member of? I see two Scoutbook accounts for you. I’ll send you a private message. Click on the brown circle with white K to retrieve it.
Patriots Path council nj
My Scouting will not load at all
We have heard refreshing my.scouting.org when you get the spinning loading for more than 30 seconds often fixes the problem. It may take several tries.
Some have also been successful logging in to my.scouting.org with an incognito window.
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