Merit Badges not reflected in Troop master

I am new to scouting. I finished 3 MBs training and I can see those as completed and approved by council on my scout book account. But I am not seeing that on our Troop web master. I emailed our SM multiple times, and as per his reply, those must automatically sync. Is there additional procedure or process I am missing? Please advise.


@suseelalakkavajjhala - this is not a TroopMaster support forum

Based on other posts by the same user, it looks like there was a multiple Scoutbook account problem with one as a parent and one as an MBC. @edavignon just fixed the multiple accounts issue, so maybe that’s where the issue was occurring, and what we’re seeing here is a nomenclature issue? I agree that TroopMaster support is between that software vendor and the software customers. :^)

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