Missing Partial Meri badges

What time was the upload?

@DavidVankleeck I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

Ok I read it. So it is being worked on. Am I correct the additional 2 he worked on that day will be added? Thanks again!!!

He went to class for fishing and the physical fitness badge.

The Fishing and Fitness were blank - I think a script to fix will be run but am not sure yet @KellySlater

I am with Troop 497 in Baltimore Area Council. We have about 80 scouts.
I was just running a new partial MB report and nearly all of my existing scout partials have disappeared.
I know we had many before scout camp but I uploaded and confirmed a new group of partials from Summer Camp 2023 in August so they should be there.

Looks like something happened with SB recently (I did see a change on reports to show non-patrol scouts on report. Wondering if that coding affected something).

Please help. .

@AdamSpence yes an issue with council uploads was found - a fix is scheduled to run today

Has everything been resolved? I do not see my son’s Fishing and Personal Firtness partial from the Merit badge day

@KellySlater everything was restored - there were 2 you mentioned that I did not see on the test server - and it was those 2 so they were not in the system at the time of the error

Ok, I will get with the people from the Merit badge day. Thank you

Sorry to ask again, but can you tell me if you fishing and the personal fitness partial on your side. I was told they were input earlier this week, but I still cannot see them.


I do not see any data for Fishing or Personal Fitness for KS.

and it was not on Test server so I do not think it was ever entered

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