Missing PO

I have items in my Needs Awarding report that show a PO # that I cannot access. Is there any way to find it? I am thinking maybe someone else deleted it but I need to to purchase those items.

@HeatherGiangregorio - it is my experience that a deleted po places the items back into the needs purchasing report if they are not marked awarded.

On POs check both Scoutbook and advancements.scouting.org - sometimes they do not line up

That’s what I assumed as well but it is still in needs awarded but the PO is not listed need precious POs.

I did look at both and it is not in either place

@HeatherGiangregorio - do you have scouts who are in other units by any chance? And nothing in the view closed po section when you click on that?

No they are not in multiple units and I have a ton in the closed po section but that one is not there.

@HeatherGiangregorio - hum… perhaps a screen share may help with another set of eyes on it. You can email me at shornak@bloomberg.net if you wish to give that a try.

I need 6/12/24 PO 938274
But as you can see on the closed PO screen it is not there:

@HeatherGiangregorio - interesting… that is why i suggested a screen share that perhaps another set of eyes can get to the bottom of the issue.

@HeatherGiangregorio - any progress on this issue. I have offered assistance, so it is up to you.

If it is to purchase you could just hand write one - and show proof they are in SB

I emailed you about screen sharing.

Yes I can do that but would like to know why it isn’t showing up as well. Thank you!

@HeatherGiangregorio yeah just tried something on test server but no luck - SUAC cannot see POs that easy so no help there.

@HeatherGiangregorio - found the email and replied back with the link

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